Monday, May 30, 2011

Easter Performance 2011

Easter Presentation 2011

Holy Cross held an Easter performance on Friday April 15 on their new stage.  Each class had a song to sing as the cast of grade 6 & 7's told the story of Jesus' death.  Brody was Marcus, one of the disciples and had to learn lines.  Hailey's class sang, "Called to Serve" with actions, and Darby danced with her classmates to the song "That We Might Live".

The whole school was watching the presentation along with many parents.  The musical play, called "That We Might Live" by Anne Frawley-Mangan & Michael Mongan, was very moving!

Hailey & the grade 2's singing

back stage waiting to go on

Brody aka Marcus

Holy Cross performance

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